Hassan Iquioussen
DOB: 2 June 1964
Nationality: French
Location: France
Ideology/Affiliation: Sunni Islam/ Muslim Brotherhood
Type of Leader: Preacher/ Propagandist/ Influencer
Hassan is a radical French Muslim preacher, born in North East France in a Moroccan family. He is well known in France with the nickname of “the preacher of the cities (suburbs)”.
He is also a member of the Young Muslims of France in collaboration with the Union of Islamic Organisations of France (UOIF), a pro-Muslim Brotherhood organisation. Hassan has made several hateful and anti-Semitic statements on social media since 2004.
On January 13th, Iquioussen was deported to Casablanca by the Belgian authorities after attempting various methods to evade his deportation and return to France, where he had been under an expulsion order since the end of July 2022. The French Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, accused Iquioussen of promoting hatred and discrimination through his speeches, which promoted an anti-Republican view of Islam.
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Evidence of Hate Speech/Incitement:
January 2023: The Belgian authorities deported Iquioussen to Casablanca on the 13th of January. Iquioussen had tried several ways to try and avoid his deportation, as well as a return to France, where he he had been flagged since the end of July for an expulsion order. The French Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, blamed Iquioussen for "a proselytizing speech peppered with words inciting hatred and discrimination, carrying a vision of Islam contrary to the values of the Republic."
2014: Hassan said, on his YouTube channel, regarding women’s responsibilities within her family “the woman’s place is in the kitchen”. And after a negative comment, he said “The place of the woman is in the kitchen, in the living room,” he said. “I don’t see why you’re allergic to cooking. You think we are misogynistic. (But) it is obvious that it is the woman who is more often in the kitchen than the man. Generally the man is in the kitchen to open the fridge and take something, it is not to do the dishes or make food. So what?”. He also said that not preparing something to eat for one’s husband could lead to fighting. “My sister, Allah created you to work, to support and assume your responsibilities to your family. Wait, your kids are hungry, you’re not feeding them, and they will starve. Your husband’s hungry, you’re not feeding him — of course, it’s going to end in a fight.”
2012: Hassan accused Rabbis, priests and bishops of exploiting people and taking their money. He also said that they are always waging a war against Islam.
2004: Hassan calls Jews “stingy and usurious” and accused them of being “the height of treason and felony
Video Links:
Hassan Iquioussen: Women should consider serving their husbands and children as a blessing, not a punishment
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