Saleh Al Maghamsy


Other Names: Saleh Al Moghamsy/Saleh Al Maghamsi/Saleh Al Moghamsi

DOB: 17 November 1963

Nationality: Saudi Arabian

Location: Saudi Arabia

Ideology/Affiliation: Salafism/Wahhabism

Type of Leader: Preacher/Propagandist/Influencer


Saleh Al Maghamsy is a Saudi Arabian imam and preacher of the Quba mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia, and maintains a large follower base on social media, including Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Maghamsy has a long history of preaching hate and espousing an intolerant ideology towards non-Muslims. Despite recently making statements supporting the Saudi leadership’s liberal policies, including music not being forbidden in Islam, and that non-Muslims may be permitted to enter mosques in the Holy Cities, he caveated his statements to then state that singing is forbidden, particularly when men and women are mixing together. 

Al Maghamsy is a former Mufti of Saudi Channel 1, and currently holds seminars and lectures in Medina and Jeddah. Al Maghamsy’s is a widely respected and followed figure. As with the vast majority of preachers and imam’s within Saudi Arabia’s wide network of religious authorities, Al Maghamsy follows a strict, rigid and puritan interpretation of Islam - usually known as Salafism. Like many other Sheikhs and religious figures in the Kingdom, Al Maghmasy is empowered by the Saudi leadership to preach against the Kingdom’s enemies from a religious perspective when needed. His sermons however focus on maintaining strict social values, morals and ethics. Following Saudi Arabia’s decision to allow women to drive, Maghamsy stated that while ‘driving will allow women to fulfill their needs and achieve their goals, they must maintain modest dress and adorn themselves with decency’. Although this is not considered hate speech, it serves to further highlight Al Maghamsy’s social attitudes and rigid interpretation of Islam.

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Evidence of Hate Speech/Incitement:

March 2012: In an interview aired on Qatar TV, Al Maghamsy stated that Osama Bin Laden, former mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, and former leader of Al Qaeda has more sanctity and honour than any infidel, due to him dying as a Muslim and therefore a believer. 

Unknown: Al Maghamsy stated that women were created by God as mere ornaments to be used by men.

Unknown: Al Maghamsy stated that God only gathered the Jews in Palestine to destroy them.

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