Khalid Al Mosleh


DOB: 1965

Nationality: Saudi

Saudi Arabia
Ideology/Affiliation: Salafism/Sunni

Type of Leader: Preacher/Propagandist


Al Mosleh was born in Makkah in 1965. He received his primary and secondary education between Makkah and Jeddah. In 1988,  Al Mosleh graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals and later joined the College of Sharia at Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud Islamic University where he obtained a Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees in 1994, 1999 and 2004.

The cleric has also received traditional Islamic teachings from Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al Uthaimin, a prominent Salafi preacher in Saudi Arabia. Al Mosleh later married Al Uthaimin’s daughter in 1986 and was appointed by Al Uthaimin to teach in his seminar at the Great Mosque in Unaizah. 

Being a protege of Al Uthaimin, who is known for his extreme Salafi views; Al Mosleh adopted similar views and began focusing on purifying Islamic tradition from religious innovation (bida). Like many other Salafi scholars in Saudi Arabia,  Al Uthaiman often discriminates against Shia Muslims - particularly in the context of the Iranian-Saudi rivalry across the region, and the resultant sectarian-fuelled conflicts that erupted, particularly  following the Arab Spring.


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Evidence of Hate Speech/Incitement:

April 2015: In a Friday Sermon, Al Mosleh criticised accused Shia Muslims of spreading “Corruption, conflicts and destruction.” 

April 2014: Al Mosleh stated in a video that Muslims become unbelievers if  they think that Christians and Jews are believers.  

August 2013: Al Mosleh accused the West of hatred against Islam in an article entitlied “They really hate us”. The article mentioned Western cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed and Pope Benedict XVI’s declarations against Islam. The cleric called Muslims to truly understand the Chritstian West position (hatred) regarding Islam in order to prepare efficient reponses to it.

Video Links:

Al Mosleh: Muslims could become unbelievers and leave Islam if they consider Chritians and Jews as believers.


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