Mohamed Hassan
DOB: 8 April 1962
Nationality: Egyptian
Location: Egypt
Ideology/Affiliation: Salafism/Sunni Islam
Type of Leader: Preacher
Mohamed Hassan (by his full name Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al-Hassan) is a famous Egyptian preacher and an important leader of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. Born in 1962 in Dakhleya in Egypt, he joined the Coranic school at the age of four.
He obtained a bachelor’s degree in information science from Cairo University, a master’s degree in Islamic studies from the Institute of Islamic studies, and a PhD from the American University in London. He moved to Saudi Arabia and became a preacher at the Arrajhi Mosque before becoming a teacher of Hadith and Modern Curriculum at the College of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University.
He learned Islamic studies from leading Salafi Saudi scholars such as Abdul al Aziz Ibn Baaz and Muhammed Ibn Al Uthaymeen. Although he supported the group’s actions to islamise the state and society, Hassan did not oppose the removal of the Muslim Brotherhood from power in 2013. Furthermore, he attempted to mediate between the army and the religious group. However, his actions were criticized by the Muslim Brotherhood-backed media.
He was also known for his political opinions. He opposed Bashar Al-Assad and issued a fatwa calling for his murder (the video was removed from YouTube). He also supports Jihad in syria “Jihad is essential for the victory of our brothers in Syria. All forms of jihad: that of the mind, money or weapons”.
In 2013, he moved to Tunisia and raised a strong opposition which made him accused of spreading a violent and radical Islam. Ferid El-Beji, president of the Dar al-Hadith Ezzaïtouni association and a man of religion, raised his voice to protect young people from the harmful influence of Hassan who spreads dangerous messages. “Mohamed Hassan has a speech of hate. He disseminates a Wahhabi ideology and qualifies as disbelievers all those who do not share his ideas. I am totally against his visit. I appeal to the conscience so that we put an end to the visits of these dangerous people”.
In one of his sermons, he explained that AIDS or swine flu is only the consequence of infidels' choices. “The international community is only infected because it has strayed from the voice of Allah and the Prophet”, he said.
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Evidence of Hate Speech/Incitement:
April 2013: Hassan says that Muslims in the West shouldn’t accept Westerners’ way of life. Furthermore, he states that it is extremely disturbing if Muslims, living in western countries, laugh with and love non-muslims.
March 2012: In a tv show exclusively about Jews, Mohamed Hassan stated several anti-semitic expressions against Jews. He stated that God had cursed Jews because of their corruption. Hassan also called Muslim peace negotiators to consider the Jews nature of not respecting their commitments and promises.
January 2012: In an answer to a question on whether non-muslim could enter heaven, Hassan stated that non-muslims will not enter heaven because they are unbelievers.
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