Abdulaziz Al Tarefe

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Also spelt/Other names: Abdulaziz Al Turaifi / Abdulaziz Al Tarifi

Current Status: Under house arrest in Riyadh

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DOB: 29 November 1976

Nationality: Saudi Arabian

Location: Saudi Arabia

Ideology/Affiliation: Salafism/Wahhabism

Type of Leader: Preacher/Propagandist/Influencer/Terrorist Supporter


Abulaziz Al Tarefe is a Saudi Salafi scholar of Kuwaiti origin. Al Tarefe is an Islamic preacher and has engaged widely in preaching activities, including presenting a number of religious lectures and hadith preaching through radio and television. Al Tarefe regularly tweets on his English and Arabic twitter account, and was arrested in April 2016 by Saudi authorities due to incitement to terrorism, and his objection to the Kingdom’s policies to restrict the power of the country’s religious police.  

Al Tarefe, however, is reportedly praised by Jihadists until today. An Al-Qaeda audio report from 2006 discusses the younger generation of Saudi clerics, most notably Al Tarefe, that were amenable and sympathetic to Al Qaeda’s cause. Although this is outdated, Al Tarefe’s arrest in 2016 prompted reactions from radical jihadists operating in Syria, such as Abdullah Al Muhaysini - a Saudi member affiliated with an extremist jihadist faction within the Syrian opposition. 

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English account

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No website

Evidence of Hate Speech/Incitement:

December 2018: In a tweet posted on Christmas day on his English account, Al Tarefe stated that it is not permissible to wish Christians a merry Christmas “for the lie of the birth of a son of God, even if he congratulates you for the Eid of Islam. In his tweet, he further adds that attending the religious festivals of the “Mushrikun” (Unbelievers) is prohibited.   

September 2018: On his English twitter account, Al Tarefe criticised the Shias commemoration of the killing of the Prophet’s nephew Hussain in Karbala, a historical Islamic event considered holy and important for Shias. In his tweet, Al Tarefe stated that what has been mentioned regarding Karbala are all “fabricated lies that have been made by the Rafidah” (Rafidah is a derogatory term for Shias).

April 2016: In response to Saudi Arabia’s decision to rein in the power of the religious police, Al Tarefe tweeted that “There are some rulers who think that renouncing their religion to satisfy infidels will put an end to the pressures on them. The more they take one step down, the more they push them to take further steps until they end up with the same religion as them [infidels]”ـ

June 2017: Al Tarefe referred to Shias as heretics and apostates in a live television interview.

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