Nabil Al Awadi
Also spelt/Other names: Nabeel Al Awadi / Nabil Al Awadhy
DOB: 7 February 1970
Nationality: Kuwaiti
Location: Kuwait
Ideology/Affiliation: Salafism
Type of Leader: Preacher/Propagandist/Terrorism funder
Nabil Al Awadi is a Kuwaiti television presenter and Salafi scholar that began gaining media attention for his fundraising activities to Jihadist groups in the Syrian crisis. Al Awadi had his Kuwaiti citizenship revoked in August 2014 due to his funding of terrorism. In 2018, Kuwait reinstated his citizenship. In March 2014, Kuwait was described by the U.S. Treasury-Undersecretary as an “epicentre of fundraising for Jihadist groups operating in Syria”, of which Al Awadi was a key figure. Awadi, alongside other terror financiers were both blacklisted by the U.S. and the United Nations (UN) as terror financiers.
Al Awadi was the former president for the Kuwait Scholar’s Union (KSU), a Kuwaiti charity that held large scale fundraisers for Jihadists fighting in Syria at the height of the Syrian crisis in 2013. Al Awadi reportedly stated that KSU prepared 8,700 Syrian Mujahideen, adding it would continue fundraising until it had equipped 12,000 jihadists. Al Awadi has also used the Thani bin Abdullah Al Thani for Humanitarian Services - a Qatari charity for financing terror groups, including Hay’at Tahrir Al Sham, Al Qaeda’s Syria offshoot at the time.
In 2013, Al Awadi came under fire by Tunisian Islamic leaders and other civil leaders for endorsing and promoting the idea of young girls wearing veils. Although Al Awadi denied it, 80 members of Tunisia’s National Constituent Assembly representing various politics blocs at the time signed a memorandum condemning Al Awadi’s remarks on openly calling for young schoolgirls to wear the veil, and condemned a photo on Al Awadi’s facebook account showing him surrounded by veiled young girls. The Tunisian civil leaders demanded his immediate deportation. Although this is not considered hate speech, the calling for underage women to be covered in Islam indicates Al Awadi’s strong Salafi worldview.
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Evidence of Hate Speech/Incitement:
November 2020: Following the publication of the cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, Al Awadi called for the boycott of French products and referred to French people as miserable, in addition to referring to France as an enemy of Muslims that fought Muslims for years, and which has now laid bare its teeth.
October 2016: Al Awadi stated that the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Syria are blessed, and in Syria’s case, the Syrian crisis is a battle of existence for the “Ummah” - reference to the global Islamic community, and that either it will cease to exist or continue to exist. Al Awadi also added that in the aftermath of the “Ummah’s” victory in Syria and its revival there, a major change will occur by “Allah’s permission”.
August 2012: Al Awadi stated that Arab rulers are treacherous for not doing enough to help the Syrian people and “Islamic Umma” against the Assad government, Persians, Russians, Chinese and Satan’s Party (Lebanese Hezbollah). He also called for arming the Mujahideen in Syria, thereby inciting violence.
Social Media:
قال الله جل في علاه: (إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ لَعَنَهُمُ اللَّهُ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُمْ عَذَابًا مُّهِينًا)
— نبيل علي العوضي (@NabilAlawadhy) October 23, 2020
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